Mariana Müller and Ernesto Wolf are passionate about Patagonia. Their story begins in Esquel, where Mariana grew up and where the couple opened its first restaurant, Cassis. Years later they relocated to Bariloche, bringing the same concept to a more permanent home: an experience that brings together Central European cuisine and service with the authentic flavors of Patagonia. Flavors with hints of acidity, fruit, fresh juices, wine, and vinegar are all essential to Mariana’s cooking, resulting in fresh, subtle, and elegant dishes that are rich in flavor.

After nearly 20 years, Cassis is recognized as one of Argentina’s best restaurants, recommended by food and travel media outlets around the world. From the lessons learned by running a restaurant, from the natural environment that surrounds them, and from the energy shared with their children by working as a family, the inspiration for Müller & Wolf was born.
@chinamuller @casacassispatagonia @mullerwolfvinagres