

Focusing on the topic of Sustainability, Tato Giovannoni welcomes global leaders in the Cocktail, Gastronomy, Hospitality and other related fields, to share knowledge and expertise, spreading cases of innovation in the processes aimed at taking care of the environment and improving the planet.

Festival Atlántico presents a series of talks and experiences in the heart of stunning natural landscapes, which seek to raise environmental awareness, as well as to rescue the value of local products, regional producers, and the original recipes of the region.

What is being done?
What else can be done?
How can we innovate?

The schedule includes a tour of markets, bars and restaurants in Buenos Aires, then continues with a trip to visit small producers in the countryside, and culminates with seminars in the heart of stunning natural landscapes.

The intimacy of the meeting in remote destinations, without screens or technological scenery, allows for a heart-to-heart dialogue, involving local references and highlighting genuinely the importance of the products, recipes and original traditions of each area.


August 2022, on the day of the Pachamama, we arrived in Jujuy and settled at 4,800 meters above sea level, together with more than 90 national and international referents, friends and public that came from all over the country, which generated a profound and emotive sharing experience.

March 2020, the pandemic forced us to cancel the planned edition in Bahía Bustamante, Chubut province, but before sending the guests back home, we recorded their message.
Así nació la edición digital, una serie de 22 capítulos disponibles en este sitio.

In April 2019 we invited a group of global references, and after showing them the gastronomy and markets of Buenos Aires, we traveled to Valle de Uco, to share knowledge at the foot of the Andes Mountains.


Turismo 530

Jujuy al Dia





Vinos y Negocios

The Cook & The Wine


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